Here are a few things you will need:
- A Bill
- Solar energy monitoring platform
- Correct billing cycle
1. From your bill you need two specific numbers:
- "Purchases from the utility"
- "Sales to the utility"
2. From your Solar energy monitoring system:
- You can use the dates of the billing cycle on your bill to run a report on your solar energy platform.
- Once you have run a report, you will need the "total generation" number from your solar array.
3. Now that you have your total generation, sales to the utility and purchases from the utility, you will need these simple formulas to determine your energy usage:
- (Total generation) - (Sales Utility) + (Purchases from Utility) = Total energy usage by the household for the billing cycle chosen.
- (Total generation) - (Sales Utility) = (the amount the solar array used in "real time")
- (the amount the solar array used in "real time") + (Purchases from Utility) = Total energy usage by the household for the billing cycle chosen.
If you're installing a solar panel of your own then there are lots of stuff that you need to know. You need to know about the overall energy usage, the total energy generation etc. so that you can have a clear idea on how much you're paying and how much you're gaining. Thanks a lot for providing the calculation part that has been added at the bottom of the post. It would be easier for the users to know further about their panel generation. The installation need to be done properly so that you won't face any trouble later. Online solar calculators are available that will help you finding the overall data on your solar panel generation. Solar Electricity Los Angeles, CA.