May 12, 2010

PurePoint Energy & Eco-neering in Action!

When the Greenburgh Nature Center needed a solution that would allow them to demonstrate the temperature difference between the surface of an asphalt roof and a green roof, PurePoint Energy provided it (150º vs. 75º!). We did so by troubleshooting a solution in which we were able to use a single 90-Watt solar panel with non-ideal sunlight to power two large temperature displays. The result was a 75º difference in temperature on the different surfaces. As a result—it’s easy to see that green roofing could be an interesting development in the fight to stop global warming!

PurePoint Energy LLC was founded with the goal of providing efficient renewable energy solutions to residential and commercial customers on a consulting and installation basis (top to bottom), but it’s projects like this that remind us of the long-term benefits that renewable energy can have for the environment. 

Benefits of Green Roofing:
  1. Protection of roof membrane resulting in a longer material lifespan (it is estimated that green roofs will last up to twice as long as conventional roofs), resulting in decreased maintenance and savings in replacement costs;
  2. Savings on energy heating and cooling costs, depending on the size of the building, climate and type of green roof.
  3. Soil, plants and the trapped layer of air can be used to insulate for sound. Sound waves that are produced by machinery, traffic or airplanes can be absorbed, reflected or deflected. The substrate tends to block lower sound frequencies and the plants block higher frequencies.
  4. Opportunities to recycle aggregate and compost.

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