April 20, 2010

Solar Panels & Maintenance

The simple consensus on cleaning solar panels is: do it if they're dirty. The placement and orientation of your panels will likely affect whether they often require cleaning. Panels that are mounted on an angle (i.e. on a roof or ground mount with a tilt), for example, require little maintenance because the rain will naturally keep them clean. 

Things become a little more difficult when dealing with the maintenance of horizontally-oriented panels. Flat panels will naturally benefit less from rain, and are more likely to acquire a cover that can significantly affect its production. These panels should be visually checked once every few months, and more often if they situated in locations where sand and dirt is often blown around.

This study by Google found that minor accumulation of dirt on the corners of panels will not significantly detract from production. However-don't let it go too far! Solar panels rely on direct sunlight and any interference has the potential to disrupt peak production.

So how do you clean solar panels?
Always be careful! Even though the panel's live electrical components are not on the surface, you don't want to risk damaging any of the glass or plastic shielding. If anything appears cracked or broken-it might be a good idea to first consult with a professional! Otherwise-it's just like cleaning a window. Water, sponge, non-abrasive drying cloth, and if you really need it, streak-free soap/glass cleaner.

For larger projects, automatic cleaning systems may be a useful option.

PurePoint Energy offers full cleaning and maintenance services to preserve the peak production of your solar panels.

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