August 5, 2009

PurePoint Energy and Meteorological Towers 101

PurePoint Energy and our partner Alternity Wind Power have installed two 190' Meteorological towers in Clearwater County, MN. This is a big milestone in our pathway to developing a 100 MW wind farm that should provide enough electricity for up to 30,000 homes.

Meteorological (MET) towers are used at potential wind energy project sites. Attached to the towers are equipment that assess the wind resource and other environmental factors that are important to determine the viability of a wind project. Important equipment include an anemometer, wind direction vanes, and temperature and pressure sensors.

Dependent data is usually statistics recorded over a minimum of one year. Wind date is taken every 10 minutes and stored at the tower base, which contains a recording and memory device called a data logger. The data collected is resourceful prior to installing a wind turbine. Educated knowledge on a site is vital for optimal wind turbine performance and getting financial great electrical generation statistics.

PurePoint Energy is currently working to educate others on renewable energy and sustainable technologies. If you believe you have a windy site are interested in being part of a wind project please call or send us an e-mail to learn how we may be able to work together.

Please visit our website at for more information.

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