Last night, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a comprehensive tax bill that included a one year extension of the Treasury's Section 1603 cash-grant program. The grant covers 30% of a renewable energy project cost. For more information on the bill and its implications, please visit here
Visit PurePoint Energy to find out more information on your future renewable energy project and see how you can take advantage of this latest grant program.
Renewable energy developer and consultant specializing in the installation of solar, wind, and biomass technologies. Based in Norwalk, CT, primarily serving clients in throughout New England as well as up and down the East Coast. Visit for more info.
December 17, 2010
December 14, 2010
A Solar Reference: Tilt and Direction
How Does The Orientation of my Roof Affect Solar Production?
Two important factors that can determine the efficiency of your solar energy system is the tilt (angle of the panels) and the orientation (direction – north, south, east or west). To make sure that you’re getting the most out of your panels, they need to be pointed in the direction that captures the most sunlight. Solar panels should always be faced south, unless you are in the southern hemisphere where they need to be faced north. The solar panel tilt varies depending on location.
Below is a Graph that shows the Efficiency of a Solar Panel at differing Orientations:
A Perfect World:
The green arrow points to the center part of the chart which is 100% insolation. If you follow the grey line to the left you can see that at 100% insolation there is a 35 degree tilt. Additionally, if you follow the line down you will see a direction of 180 degrees (true south). After looking at this chart you can see that inBridgeport , Connecticut you would need a 35 degree tilt and a roof facing true south to get the most out of your solar panels.
The green arrow points to the center part of the chart which is 100% insolation. If you follow the grey line to the left you can see that at 100% insolation there is a 35 degree tilt. Additionally, if you follow the line down you will see a direction of 180 degrees (true south). After looking at this chart you can see that in
In An Imperfect World:
Most roofs are not perfectly positioned for solar panels. They don't have to be perfect to benefit from solar energy. Typically anything above an 80% Tilt-Orientation factor is good.
For example, If you live in Bridgeport , Ct and you only have a 15° tilt on your roof and it faces South Southeast you can still reach a 95% Tilt-Orientation factor.
Questions? Contact PurePoint Energy for your solar needs.
Questions? Contact PurePoint Energy for your solar needs.
November 29, 2010
PurePoint Energy Receives the Green Coast Award
The Green Coast Awards honors and recognizes individuals, businesses, services, and organizations throughout Fairfield County that are socially and environmentally responsible, promote sustainability, have high ethical standards, and make conscious decisions everyday to improve our communities and the health of our planet. This year PurePoint Energy received the Green Coast Award on November 17th for being a leader in renewable energy. PurePoint Energy was recognized based upon their proven record of dedication to sustainable actions and innovation, their commitment to sustainability found in their mission statement and company goals, and by being approved by the Green Coast Awards Advisory Board.
In the past year PurePoint Energy completed 7 projects in which they helped residences and businesses cut costs on their electric bill, while using renewable energy. PurePoint Energy installed 3 commercial projects and 4 residential projects consisting of over 55 kW, which is roughly equivalent to planting 186 trees and driving 82,500 miles. PurePoint Energy has also helped make renewable energy solutions more affordable for their clients, by assisting clients in applying and receiving state and federal incentives.
For more information on how you can switch to renewable energy and reduce your energy costs, visit
November 18, 2010
Agriculture and Solar Energy
Solar energy has been around for thousands of years. The earliest forms of solar energy consisted of people using the sun to dry crops and grains. They would spread grain and fruit out in the sun after harvesting in order to dry the crops. The only problem to this method was that the crops were being subjected to damage by birds, rodents, wind, rain and contamination by windblown dust and dirt.
Solar Dryers
Solar Heaters& Solar Water heaters
Solar Greenhouses
Photovoltaic Systems
PV Water Pumping
PV Water pumping is one of the most cost-effective water pumping option, and is easy to install. It is most used in remote areas where there is no existing power line. PV water pumping is very cost-effective for remote livestock water supply, pond aeration, and small irrigation systems. The Solar water pumps work only when the sun is shining, mostly during the summer months, and water is stored in tanks to be used throughout the year. When it comes to supplying water to remote pastures, PV water pumping is the most cost effective system, and requires the least maintenance.
October 29, 2010
Is There A Future In Solar Energy?
Is There A Future In Solar Energy?
Solar technology has been helping people create and save energy, while being eco-friendly for decades. In 1918, Polish Scientist Jan Czochralski developed a method to produce monocrystalline silicon, the material that is most commonly used in solar panels today. In 1963, Sharp Corporation was successful in developing the first silicon cell based solar module. Companies competed world-wide to develop the most efficient photovoltaic systems. Japan built a 242 watt module field in 1963, which was the largest at the time, only to be topped by the Americans 470 watt photovoltaic field in the Nimbus space project in 1964. Today solar energy continues to grow and efficiency is higher than ever, but in recent years only minor incremental improvements have been made towards silicon-based solar cells. Due to the so-called “peak” of silcon-based solar cell innovation, scientists are looking for new, low-cost, efficient methods of producing photovoltaic systems.
Quantum Dot Solar Cells
§ Able to convert sunlight as well as use heat to produce electricity.
§ Clean power generation
§ Can possibly approach efficiencies of 65%.
§ Hot electrons lose their energy as they travel.
§ Not Suitable for large scale manufacturing.
Overview: Research is still being done on quantum dot solar cells (QD), but they have been found to be very efficient. Once researchers are able to figure out how to consistently harness the majority of the suns light, quantum dot solar cells may be able to be implemented to solar modules. Right now QD solar cells are not able to be manufactured on a large scale, so implementing QD solar cells would have an insignificant impact.
Full Spectrum Solar Cells
§ Able to convert the full solar spectrum, making it more efficient
§ Can possibly approach efficiencies of 70%.
§ Tremendous heat capacity
§ Cost-Efficient
§ Crystals can be damaged easily.
§ Indium Nitride Crystals have many defects
Overview: Eventually we may be able to produce cheaper solar panels, that double efficiency, and are the same size as traditional panels. As of right now researchers are unable to control the formation of atomic clusters, that need to be absolutely perfect in order to capture the full color spectrum. Until they are able to consistently produce fully working full spectrum solar cells (researchers have been working for about 10 years, with little progress), silicon-cell PV systems are the way to go.
§ Efficient at converting sunlight to energy
§ More Versatile
§ Cost-Efficient
§ Extremely Flexible & Durable
§ Enables Longer Panel Array
§ Easier Installation
§ Less Efficient than traditional silicon-based modules
Overview: If any of these technologies were to take over the future of solar energy, Nanotechnology would be the closest one. Nanotechnology uses thinner and lighter panels than traditional modules. Due to the increase in accessibility, installations are lest costly.
Top Five Recent Advancements In Solar Energy
1. Reflective Dishes
Reflector made of mirrors, that collects sunlight and intensifies it one thousand times over.
2. Spherical Solar Cells
Due to the spherical shape, the cells are able to absorb sunlight from all possible angles, generating more power and a better efficiency.
3. Paint On Solar Cells
-Most versatile type of solar cell, being that they can be placed virtually anywhere.
4. Solar Concentrators
-Increases the amount of sunlight being concentrated on the solar cells. Since more light is directed on the cell less photovoltaic material is needed, decreasing the price of the panel by half.
5. Nanotechnology powered Dye Sensitive Solar Cells
Cost efficient, beautiful to look at, and convert more light to energy.
New Advancements v.s. Traditional Photovoltaic System
With all the future advancements being researched, and all the future progressions, there is only one photovoltaic system that has withstood the test of time. Silicon-based PV systems have helped people achieve their electrical and financial goals using Silicon-based PV systems for over 45 year. [2] Industry reports claim that solar power grew at a rate of 40% per year within the last eight years. The reports also state that the cost per KW of photovoltaic systems have been decreasing, while the cost of electricity generated by fossil fuels has been steadily increasing. [3] The demand for solar photovoltaic systems is expected to double to 2 GW by next year and triple in size to 3 GW by 2012. The industries first billion dollar installation is set to take place this year, with the installation f a 290 megawatt Agua Caliente facility in Arizona . According to Industry reports, solar power will reach cost parity with conventional power sources in the U.S by 2015. Reports also indicate that solar Energy will grow to accommodate 10% of the U.S power necessities. In terms of watts, solar energy consumption will equal above 55,000 megawatts. This may not seem like much to many, but as of now solar energy currently provides less than 0.1% of the countries electricity.
October 26, 2010
Solar Energy For Dummies
What is Solar Energy?
“Going Green,” is becoming the most popular lifestyle across the world. Everyone is excited about saving the earth and recycling energy, all while cutting costs at the same time. Most people don’t know that there is an easy way to accomplish all of this and some without breaking your bank. Solar energy is radiation from the sun which can be converted into other forms of energy. Solar energy consists of electric energy and thermal energy. The first part of this week's blog series will explain how to convert solar energy into electric energy. Electric energy uses the suns radiation to produce electricity through solar cells, or photovoltaics (PV). There are three ways electric energy can be used; Stand- alone, Grid- connected, and Back-up. In Connecticut the Grid-connected system is used the most. A Grid-connected system uses utility supplied electricity only as a back up, if the solar energy system exhausts its electricity. Most of you may be thinking that it sounds great, but want to know exactly how it works.
Is Solar Energy Rocket Science?
Solar Energy comes off as a complex topic, when in all actuality it is quite simple.
· Solar Cells or Photovoltaic cells are silicon-based pieces of material that absorbs light from the sun.
· Many Solar Cells are combined into a solar panel.
· Solar Panels are than interlinked called an array which creates greater power.
· When Solar Energy hits the panel, it excites electrons in the solar cell and electricity is created.
· The electricity that is produced is in direct current (DC).
· Since most homes do not use DC, the electricity passes through an inverter which converts it to a common current called Alternating Current (AC). And just like that your house is now running on solar energy!
Show Me the Money!
Now that we’re enlightened about how to save electricity by using solar energy, we want to know how adding a Solar energy system actually saves us money. In Connecticut there is a simple process called Net Metering. Net Metering is a special arrangement between a homeowner and their utility company. It is an easy method which measures the difference between the electricity you buy from your local utility company and the excess you produce using your own photovoltaic system. So basically you use the electricity you generate first, which cuts down the amount you would usually buy. If you generate more energy than you use, the extra energy goes through the electric meter and back into the grid and supplied to other customers. According to the agreement that you sign with your local utility company, they will pay you for the energy you are giving back. So when you think about it, by using solar energy you can completely erase your energy bill, and make money by selling energy.
Net Metering alone is a good enough incentive to switch to solar energy, but there is more! Every state gives different tax incentives and rebates to people who use solar energy. In the state of Connecticut there is a State Rebate Program funded by the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF) that pays residents $1.75/watt for the first 5 kilowatts of energy generated and $1.25/w for the next 5 kilowatts of energy that is generated.
Basically the CCEF will pay residents up to $15,000 annually for going green!
Homeowners are also able to take advantage of the federal incentives which include a Personal Tax Credit, where they can receive 30% back. Commercial property owners can choose between a 30% tax credit or a 30% federal grant. So along with net metering, you can receive a rebate, a tax incentive, and/or a federal grant. Why not just install a photovoltaic system right now?
Power Drill or Hammer?
The average Joe has had many successes when installing his own photovoltaic system. Unfortunately there has been many failures, which is why it’s recommended to hire a professional solar contractor. The Solar contractor will analyze your roofing and attic to make sure that the structure is able to withstand the light-weight system. Once ready to install they will choose the perfect system for you location and make sure that your panels are secured in the perfect position to achieve maximum solar output. Premier Solar Contractors like PurePoint Energy will even go tremendous lengths to help you obtain necessary rebates and the maximum tax credits and grants to benefit you. Now that we’re all Solar Energy Gurus, lets GO GREEN!
If not for any other reason…. Our President is Going Green!!!!
September 30, 2010
Connecticut PV Incentive: What’s PTC and how does that affect My Rebate?
The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF), has a state rebate program that is based on the design efficiency of your system. Typically an installer will calculate how much electricity your PV system will produce and compare it with a similar system under ideal conditions. Then they apply a design factor to calculate the dollars per watt price. A more efficient system will help maximize your rebate.
Ideal conditions to maximize your rebate:
ü Include having an inverter that is 94% efficient or better.
ü There can’t be any shading on the site
ü Panels must face solar south (plus or minus 20 degrees), and they also have to be tilted at a 35º angle.
The maximum rebate for residents in Connecticut is $15,000, with a maximum system size of 10 Watts. A maximum rebate will provide residents with $1.75/watt (PTC rating) for the first 5 kW and $1.25/watt (PTC rating) for the next 5 kW. Rebates are paid based on PTC values.
ü STC or “Factory Standard Test Conditions,” uses 1,000 watts per square meter solar irradiance, 1.5 Air Mass and 25 ºC cell temperature.
ü PTC or “Photovoltaic USA Test Conditions,” deals with more of a real life condition. PTC rates output using a condition of 1,000 watts per square meter solar irradiance, 1.5 Air mass, and a 20ºC ambient temperature at 10 meters above ground level and a wind speed of 1 meter per second.
PTC = Real Life Conditions
As you can see the PTC rates output more effectively than STC. The ambient temperature is a better standard than the factory conditions because silicon solar cells average almost 20ºC above ambient temperature in the real world and an increase in temperature causes cell voltage to decrease.
PTC Accounts for Temperature
Also cell voltage drops .08 volts/ºC in places that exceeds 25ºC, which shows that the STC rating is not as efficient as the PTC. Unlike STC, PTC takes account for the fact that the sun is only close to perpendicular for a limited time at high noon. PTC also recognizes that at other times of the day the sun hits the panels at different angles. While taking all of these factors into consideration, PTC averages the solar panels yearly output. The PTC rating tends to be lower than the STC rating since it takes more factors into account, which gives future consumers a better indication of how the solar panels will hold up. So when buying a solar panels the higher the PTC rating the better.
September 23, 2010
Solar Panels Threatening To Collapse Your Roof? Not a Chance!
Some of the most frequent questions are around the weight and loads that solar panels put on a roof. This blog covers a few examples of what loads can be found under different climates.
Contrary to many beliefs solar panels are actually very lightweight.
Can My Roof Support Solar Panels?
On average solar panels weigh about 23 pounds and are distributed evenly across a roof. The combined weight of a solar panel and the rack only puts 2-3 pounds of weight per square foot on a roof. Most modern roofs are built to support much more weight than that. There are some cases where a roof has been weakened by water damage and other similar problems. This is no reason to worry being that before every solar panel installation a solar contractor evaluates the roof’s structure to make sure that it can hold the solar panels. With some damaged roofs, structural work must be done before installing the panels.
Upward Force?
In fact the biggest issue when dealing with solar panels is not weight, but rather the uplift. The uplift is an upward force from wind going up and under panels. With enough upward force solar panels can be dislodged from the roof or even worse, your roof can be pulled off along with the solar panels. These are rare circumstances which do not occur frequently. To prevent any damages the panel must be bolted down into the center of the rafters and not just on the shell of the roof. The good part is that solar contractors are trained to install everything properly and keep their customers safety as their number one priority.
Unirac, a solar racking company, has a calculator for standard systems which were used to find the total uplift from wind and down force from snow. Here in Connecticut we have an average snow load at 35 psf, and an average uplift design wind load at -16.5 psf. Since we have mild weather in Connecticut , we are able to use more of a variety of solar panels and racks as the weather is not extreme. In places like Miami where there are 155 mph winds and an uplift of -37 psf, you would need to use a heavier rail, have more attachment points on the roof and consider marine grade solar panels. Flush racks are the best type of mount for high winds compared to Tilt-Up racks. Flush Racks keep the solar panels down on the roof and allow little space for wind to blow under whereas Tilt-Up racks allow wind to cause upward pressure upon solar panels. In areas like Syracuse where there is a 55 psf snow load, your solar contractor, architect or engineer may need to account for additional support due to significant snowfall demands. Since solar panels have a life span of over 30 years, choosing the right racking solution is important to long term success. Contact PurePoint Energy for your renewable energy needs. 203.642.4105 /
September 21, 2010
Efficiency Boosted by Color
Whenever energy is generated, the efficiency of the solar panel is one of the most important factors. If efficiency is low than output is also low. Researchers are constantly trying to figure out how to make solar panels more efficient. There have been many breakthroughs in increasing the efficiency of solar panels. Solar panel’s temperature and type of material have been of major concern, but color seems to be a major factor.
Dark Absorbs More
An objects color is based upon the wavelength that they reflect. White objects reflect all wavelengths, where black objects absorbs these wavelengths. For example, you will notice that a black car absorbs more heat in the summer than other color cars. This may be an inconvenience when dealing with cars, but it can greatly boost efficiency in solar panels. Common solar panels tend to be silver or black. Black silicon was implemented to panels, and were found to be very effective.
Past solar panels maxed out their efficiency by about 25%, while black silicon panels are able to max out at a higher level.
They absorbed more of the sun’s light therefore creating more energy. The reason why black silicon panels are not common is because they have been very expensive in the past. Recently researchers have claimed to have innovated a new way to make black silicon panels more cost effective, in hopes to increase the effectiveness of energy solutions worldwide.
Food Coloring = Higher Efficiency?
The Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy recently reported that many off-the-shelf dyes, medical dyes and food dyes can increase solar panel efficiency when mixed properly. The dye is used to change and expand the color spectrum that the panel can absorb, which can increase efficiency by as much as 8%. This low-tech innovation could help improve the effectiveness of solar panels immensely, while keeping prices low.
The Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy recently reported that many off-the-shelf dyes, medical dyes and food dyes can increase solar panel efficiency when mixed properly. The dye is used to change and expand the color spectrum that the panel can absorb, which can increase efficiency by as much as 8%. This low-tech innovation could help improve the effectiveness of solar panels immensely, while keeping prices low.
GreenSun Energy has developed new solar panels that can generate power with non-direct sunlight and use far less silicon than traditional panels. Unlike traditional panels which are silver and black, GreenSun’s panels use bright colors which allow them to capture different parts of the sun’s spectrum.
These bright colored panels have gotten up to 12% efficiency and rising. (Typical panels on the market are around 14% efficient!)
Also the panels are currently being produced for about half the price of traditional silicon based solar panels.
August 17, 2010
Hydroelectricity on the rise, and pumping!
Pumped storage hydroelectricity is a type of hydroelectric power generation used by some power plants for load balancing. The first use of pumped storage was in the 1890’s in Italy and Switzerland. In the 1930’s reversible hydroelectric turbines became available. These turbines could operate as both turbine generators and in reverse as electric motor driven pumps.
The method stores energy in the form of water, pumped from a lower elevation reservoir to a higher elevation. Low-cost off-peak electric power is used to runt he pumps involved during the process. During periods of high electrical demand, the stored water is released through turbines. Although the losses of the pumping process make the plant a net consumer of energy overall, the system increases its revenue by selling more electricity during periods of peak demand, when electricity prices are highest.
There is over 90 GW of pumped storage in operation world wide, which is about 3 % of global generation capacity. Pumped storage plants are characterized by long construction times and high capital expenditure. Pumped storage is the most widespread energy storage system in use on power networks. Its main applications are for energy management, frequency control and provision of reserve.
The method stores energy in the form of water, pumped from a lower elevation reservoir to a higher elevation. Low-cost off-peak electric power is used to runt he pumps involved during the process. During periods of high electrical demand, the stored water is released through turbines. Although the losses of the pumping process make the plant a net consumer of energy overall, the system increases its revenue by selling more electricity during periods of peak demand, when electricity prices are highest.
There is over 90 GW of pumped storage in operation world wide, which is about 3 % of global generation capacity. Pumped storage plants are characterized by long construction times and high capital expenditure. Pumped storage is the most widespread energy storage system in use on power networks. Its main applications are for energy management, frequency control and provision of reserve.
August 12, 2010
Pon 2112 Announced: Financial Incentives to Follow
The Pon 2112 programs was recently announced to the public as a way to receive financial support for registered installers. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) provides cash incentives for the installation by Eligible Installers of new grid-connected Solar Electric or Photovoltaic (PV) systems that are 7kW or less for residential and 50 kW or less for commercial sites. Funding for the Solar Electric Incentive Program has been allocated by the New York State Renewable Portfolio Standard. The goal of the program is to install 82 MW or 93,806 MWhs of Solar Electric Power systems. Incentives will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis, and PV incentive applications will be accepted through December 31, 2015, or until funds are fully committed. This program is expected to be a huge catalyst in the green movement, specifically in the installation of renwable energy systems in New York
August 10, 2010
Local Train Station Looking To Go Green
A recent article published in the Norwalk Hour explains the Saugatuck train station’s recent decision to push forward and build a solar powered car charging terminal. The structure would be ideal for commuters who leave their electric cars at the station while they go back and forth from work each day. This development has pushed the town of Westport into the frontline of the green movement and it is our hope that neighboring towns will do the same.
Customers would lease out the spaces just like a normal space at a train station and pay a specified monthly fee. This fee would in-turn cover the cost to charge their car leaving them without the burden of doing so on their own. Not only would this breakthrough idea provide benefits for current solar powered vehicle owners, it could also act as the catalyst to increase the number of solar powered cars on the road in our area.
If the Saugatuck train station can receive up their desired eighty percent funding for the project that is estimated to cost $330,000, they are confident that they can rake in the rest from private donations. All the town has left to do to proceed with their plans is to clear the project with the state department of transportation who owns the building. This major step in the green movement is exactly what we like to see in our community!
To read more about this story and other local news stories please visit
Customers would lease out the spaces just like a normal space at a train station and pay a specified monthly fee. This fee would in-turn cover the cost to charge their car leaving them without the burden of doing so on their own. Not only would this breakthrough idea provide benefits for current solar powered vehicle owners, it could also act as the catalyst to increase the number of solar powered cars on the road in our area.
If the Saugatuck train station can receive up their desired eighty percent funding for the project that is estimated to cost $330,000, they are confident that they can rake in the rest from private donations. All the town has left to do to proceed with their plans is to clear the project with the state department of transportation who owns the building. This major step in the green movement is exactly what we like to see in our community!
To read more about this story and other local news stories please visit
July 27, 2010
Solar Towers
A solar tower is a proposed type of renewable energy plant. It combines three old proven technologies including the greenhouse effect, the chimney effect and the wind turbine. All together, these three concepts create a renewable energy source equivalent to a set of solar panels. The air is heated by the sun and is stored in a very large greenhouse at the base of the tower. The result is convection and hot air rising through the chimney which in turn, causes the wind turbine at the top to begin spinning. While this turbine is spinning, mass amounts of energy is produced.
While the solar tower has a power conversion rate considerably lower than many other designs in the solar thermal group of collects, the low investment cost per square meter of solar collection balances this out. According to model calculations, a simple solar tower with an output of 200 MW would need a collector seven kilometers in diameter and a 1000-meter-high chimney.
Location is a main factor in the amount of energy the tower produces. Depending on the altitude of the solar tower destination, there may be less or more energy generated than usual. Other factors like wind, rain and temperature may also effect the energy output of the system.
There is an ongoing debate of which type of renewable energy is most effective and productive. While we may never know which will save you the most money, or which is truly the best for the environment, we all know that using any of them will help do our part to save our world.
July 19, 2010
PTC vs. STC Ratings; Learn what the difference can save you!
PTC refers to PVUSA Test Conditions, which were developed to test and compare PV systems as part of the PVUSA (Photovoltaics for Utility Scale Applications) project. PTC are 1,000 Watts per square meter solar irradiance, 20 degrees Celsius in air temperature, and have a wind speed of 1 meter per second at 10 meters above ground level. PV manufacturers use Standard Test Conditions, or STC, to rate their PV products. STC are 1,000 Watts per square meter solar irradiance, 25 degrees C cell temperature, air mass equal to 1.5, and ASTM G173-03 standard spectrum. The PTC rating, which is lower than the STC rating, is generally recognized as a more realistic measure of PV output because the test conditions better reflect "real-world" solar and climatic conditions, compared to the STC rating.
Neither a PTC nor a STC rating can account for all "real-world" losses and situations. Actual solar systems will produce lower outputs due to soiling, age of the system, technical difficulties, and other criteria. These loss factors can vary by season, geographic location, mounting technique, azimuth, and array tilt. Taking this into consideration, it is crucial to know how well your system has been constructed and how it is being rated.
To give an example, on an average 10 kW system, taking into consideration several factors, the overall DC (or the STC) rate to AC (PTC) rate can provide you with anywhere from 55% savings, to 100.8% savings. Based on these numbers, an average of 4 hours of maximum sunlight per day, and a cost of twenty cents per watt of energy, you could be saving anywhere from $1606.00 to $2943.36. Though many get these ratings confused, it is apparent from this example how important it is to know the difference between them, especially when it could be saving you thousands of dollars.
Neither a PTC nor a STC rating can account for all "real-world" losses and situations. Actual solar systems will produce lower outputs due to soiling, age of the system, technical difficulties, and other criteria. These loss factors can vary by season, geographic location, mounting technique, azimuth, and array tilt. Taking this into consideration, it is crucial to know how well your system has been constructed and how it is being rated.
To give an example, on an average 10 kW system, taking into consideration several factors, the overall DC (or the STC) rate to AC (PTC) rate can provide you with anywhere from 55% savings, to 100.8% savings. Based on these numbers, an average of 4 hours of maximum sunlight per day, and a cost of twenty cents per watt of energy, you could be saving anywhere from $1606.00 to $2943.36. Though many get these ratings confused, it is apparent from this example how important it is to know the difference between them, especially when it could be saving you thousands of dollars.
July 13, 2010
Want to save money on your energy bill?
Connecticut Light and Power is offering certified energy audits for a $75 fee to make your home more energy efficient! Contractors approved by CL&P will come to your house to assess possible energy wasting problems with your house, and then come up with solutions to these problems to make your house greener and more energy efficient. The process, while simple and short, can be a tremendous help in lowering your energy bill.
For those interested in getting their house audited, you must either apply online at and CL&P will assign an able contractor to OR pick a contractor from the approved list at$File/HES_Contractors.pdf and call them to schedule an appointment.
Inspections can/will include the following:
-A blower-door test to pinpoint critical drafts and air leaks. Once they are found, the contractor will seal them properly in the duration of the visit.
-A duct test to assess air leaks within the ductwork system. Significant leaks will be sealed.
- Hot water-saving meaures including low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators (which will be installed).
- Rebates for qualifying central air conditioning systems and for replacement of certain inefficient appliances with qualifying energy-efficient models.
-Installation of energy-efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs.
-Incentives for insulation upgrades
-A "wrap up discussion" where the contractor will review the work done and inform you of additional resources that can be potential energy and money savers.
For more information on these energy audit process, be sure to call 1-877-WISE-USE (1-877-947-3873).
July 12, 2010
Commercial Savings; Are They Worth It?
With the green energy movement in full effect, it is no wonder that the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund, and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority have an abundance of commercial financial incentives for using renewable energy. While these incentives are readily available for people to find, the real question is whether or not they are useful and realistic.
In Connecticut, the CCEF has implemented a rebate program for those users of energy efficient equipment during peak energy using hours. Those who save up enough energy during these peak energy consumption times may be eligible for a state rebate of up to 100% of the systems cost.
No matter what your take on the subject is, none of us can deny that switching from a low energy saving utility to a high saving one is a good investment and decision.
In Connecticut, the CCEF has implemented a rebate program for those users of energy efficient equipment during peak energy using hours. Those who save up enough energy during these peak energy consumption times may be eligible for a state rebate of up to 100% of the systems cost.
Connecticut is also running a state rebate program through October of this year that allows consumers purchasing EnergyStar appliances to apply for a rebate for up to 50% of their appliances cost.
New York has also done its part to promote energy efficient utilities to its citizens. The Commercial and Industrial Efficiency Program provides a set rebate for customers who install an efficient energy saving system of a specific size as long as they are not residential consumers. Also, according to the Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program, companies looking to install multiple energy efficient systems in their business can receive up to $10,000 per project upon inspection.
While these incentives may look fantastic on paper, there are some doubts that we and PurePoint have about them. All of the incentives listed do not list many specifications as to when funding is anticipated to dry up, and what the specific qualifications to receive the funding are. Also, while these incentives may cover some costs of these expensive and technologically advanced utilities, there is still a high portion of the total that is not covered which many businesses cannot afford.
No matter what your take on the subject is, none of us can deny that switching from a low energy saving utility to a high saving one is a good investment and decision.
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